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Finding the right licence size.

The i-doit licence model

"What is actually an object?
And how many objects do I need?"
Here you will find the answer. We explain the i-doit license model using an example.

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Das i-doit Lizenzmodell

Finding the perfect license size for your company.

i-doit pro is a powerful tool for documentation. It allows you to document your IT infrastructures and everything related to it, both comprehensively and completely.

i-doit pro is available in different licence sizes. This gives you the right licence for your requirements and keeps the costs low for IT documentation low. In recent years, four licence sizes have been established as optimal for most companies when setting up their IT documentation. Below we answer the most frequently asked questions about licensing and show you how affordable i-doit pro is compared to other products on the market.

The most common question: What is an object?

Basically, everything you create in i-doit pro is an object. An object corresponds to a Configuration Item (CI for short). In the IT sector, this applies to servers, clients, cables, switches and wireless access points, for example. VoIP or mobile phones, peripheral devices and NAS systems are also mapped as objects in i-doit pro.

Not only physical systems are stored as objects. Software, licences and files are also objects. It often makes sense to record non-IT assets. In this case, cities, buildings, rooms, vehicles or office equipment are objects from i-doit's point of view. And each of these objects "consumes" one licence point.

By the way: Dependencies and relationships between objects are not included in the calculation. If you assign a PC to a room, this assignment does not consume any additional licence points.

Below you will find examples from different areas to explain the licence model of i-doit pro in more detail.

Was ist in i-doit ein Objekt?

Example: Server documentation

If you create a server in i-doit pro, a licence point is calculated as mentioned above. This applies to physical servers or virtualisation hosts as well as VMs.

50 physical server, 50 virtual server

In this example, 50 physical servers and 50 virtual servers were created. As a result, 100 licence points are used.

100 pyhsical server

The calculated licence points do not change if you only create physical servers. On average, the documentation of these 100 servers would cost around €18.00* per year.

What happens with virtualised systems when they have a relationship with their virtualisation host?

As a CMDB, i-doit pro allows dependencies and relationships to be displayed. In this example, 10 virtual servers are operated on one ESX server.

ESX-server in CMDB explorer

The virtual servers have a dependency on the ESX server.

Server connected to ESX server

The virtual servers are displayed as guest systems in the ESX server.

Despite the dependency recorded between the systems, the licence consumption remains unchanged. You have still created 100 systems as objects.

Special case software

Like physical devices, software is created as an object in i-doit pro. Each recorded piece of software and each operating system requires a licence point. Similar to the dependencies between systems, you assign software to a large number of devices without using additional licence points.

Operating systems


Example: Operating systems

First create the operating systems in i-doit pro. Each operating system is created as a separate object. Most infrastructures are not homogeneous. Microsoft operating systems can be found in the client area and on many servers, while various Linux distributions are used for web and business applications.

These 5 created operating systems require 5 licence points. They were created as new objects.

Operating system variants


Most operating systems are used in different variants. To do this, create all the variants used in your infrastructure in the "Variants" category. For Microsoft server operating systems, for example, this would be Windows Server 2019 and 2022. Windows 10 and Windows 11 are usually used for the clients.

Operating system variants are added in the respective object and therefore do not consume any additional licence points.

How are licences calculated?

You have created the operating systems in i-doit pro. Now the respective licences are still missing. Each licence, for a specific operating system or application, is created as a separate object.

OS licences in CMDB

Here, too, you create a total of 5 objects: For Windows Server 2016, 2019, 2022 and for Windows 10 and 11. 5 more licence points are therefore required here.

OS Licence keys

In the licence objects, you create the respective licence keys. These do not consume licence points.

Applications in CMDB


You link the licence keys to the servers in the form of a relationship (free of charge). The Linux servers generally do not require a licence as they are free systems. Additional applications are also calculated according to the same principle. In this example, 10 applications have been created and linked to the servers.

Current status: Server

  • Server: 100
  • Operating systems: 5
  • Licences: 5 (incl. 50 different keys)
  • Applications: 10
  • Total: 120 licence points

The basis of the infrastructure: buildings, floors and rooms

Location overview


You create technical devices such as servers and clients in IT documentation. To get a complete overview of the IT infrastructure, you link these assets to a location. For this purpose, i-doit offers special object types: Buildings, floors and rooms.

All locations can be displayed in i-doit pro in a tree view. Each location counts as one object and therefore consumes one licence point.

In this example, a building (head office / HQ) has been created with 3 subordinate floors. These floors contain a total of 16 rooms.

This results in a total of 20 licence points, which are required to record the locations.

Additional buildings can also be created according to your specific requirements. Enter additional branches, production halls or branch offices. You can also subdivide locations by country or region. Anything that makes sense for your company can also be created individually and structured according to your specifications.

Current status:

  • Server, Applications, Operating systems,
  • Licences: 120
  • Buildings: 1
  • Floors: 3
  • Rooms: 16
  • Total: 140 licence points

Cabling of devices

Opinions vary greatly on the topic of "Documentation of Cabling." Some companies rely on knowing the structure of cable connections and the allocation of fibres. For others, cabling is not (yet) a concern.

In i-doit, each cable is created as its own object, consuming a licence point. Initially, this may seem like a large number of licence points used. However, when considering the available licence points, this perspective changes.

Let's consider an example:

Suppose you have 5 switches, each with 48 ports. Additionally, there are 5 patch panels with 48 ports each (96 ports per patch panel). In each of the 16 rooms mentioned above, there are 2 network jacks with 4 ports each. This adds up to a total of 32 network jacks with 4 incoming and 4 outgoing ports each, amounting to 256 ports.

Port count:

  • Switches: 5 switches x 48 ports = 240 ports
  • Patch panels: 5 x 96 = 480 ports
  • Network jacks: 16 rooms x 2 network jacks x 8 ports = 256 ports
  • Physical servers: 50 servers x 2 network cards = 100 ports
  • Printers: 10 x 1 port = 10 ports

For all other devices such as firewalls, modems, routers, and access points, let's allocate an additional 80 ports for this example. In total, this adds up to 1166 ports.

Since 2 ports are connected by a single cable, the total number of ports must be divided by 2.

Result: You will need 583 licence points for documenting the cabling.

Therefore, the documentation presented so far requires the following total number of licence points:

  • Servers, applications, operating systems, licenses: 120
  • Buildings, floors, rooms: 20
  • Switches: 5
  • Patch panels: 5
  • Network jacks: 16
  • Printers: 10
  • Other network devices: 80
  • Cables: 583
  • Total: 839 licence points

Missing components

An IT documentation is not limited to just servers, applications, and infrastructure. Clients, monitors, storage systems/NAS, phones, contracts, users, contacts, and organisations are all natural components of a comprehensive documentation.

Expand the documentation:

  • 50 users with an account in i-doit pro
  • 200 clients (notebooks, PCs, Macs, tablets)
  • 150 monitors
  • 2 storage systems
  • 100 mobile phones, 100 SIM cards, 100 mobile contracts
  • 200 external organizations and contacts such as service providers, manufacturers, suppliers, etc.
  • 150 service and support contracts
  • 80 client applications
  • 150 licenses for client applications

Total: 1,082 licence points

Result: The IT Documentation

You have now created a comprehensive IT documentation with all the essential components. For the configuration mentioned above, you would require an i-doit pro licence with 5,000 licence points. This licence covers everything from documenting the infrastructure to software, licences, devices, and peripherals. Even the wiring is already taken into account . After capturing all the assets, you still have a buffer of nearly 3,000 licence points. There is nothing stopping the further growth of your company (and its IT documentation).

Final Summary:

  • Servers, applications, operating systems, licenses: 120
  • Buildings, floors, rooms: 20
  • Network and wiring: 839
  • Clients, peripherals, other devices, contacts, contracts: 1,082

Total Result: 2,061 licence points

And what is the price of IT documentation with i-doit pro?

To utilise the showcased IT documentation, you will require an i-doit pro medium licence, enabling the recording of up to 5,000 objects. This licence size comes at the following prices, excluding any additional add-ons:

Here you can find the prices for the license size: Pricing

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