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Software & License Management

As an IT administrator, our field of activity is broad. Our tasks include administration of servers and clients, monitoring of systems and services as well as the support of our users. Setting up and configuring workstations is a part of our daily business. Already during the setup we have to think about which software requirements does the user have, are there still free licenses in the company or do we have to procure new ones from the purchase department? Most of us spend a lot of time trying to find usable keys in endless Excel spreadsheets or the depths of our drawers.


With i-doit we can store software & license keys in a centralized database in order to document new workstations in seconds. i-doit not only provides us with a detailed overview of free licenses, but also enables us to establish an immediate relationship between client, software and license. As a result, i-doit always reflects the current state of the IT and actively supports us in our tasks.

Documenting the workstations is important as we have to be able to react quickly in case of an incident.  Though, the documentation of new devices also has to be taken care of quickly because we just as well have to take care of many other things. Thanks to preconfigured templates and the associated software, we can create new workstations with just a few clicks. Besides the device information (CPU, RAM, HDD…) we can also add all necessary software and the usage of licenses are updated immediately.


IT Documentation – done in seconds.


i-doit not only improves the quality of our documentation but also relieves us of time-consuming processes and tasks. As a central database, all authorized employees have access to up-to-date and continuously updated information.


Administration of workstations


The demands of workstations range from simple office applications to complex image and video production. In order to best serve our users, we need information about their workstations such as: Which software is used on the client? Which version does the software have and when was the last update carried out? Was a single or volume license used?


OS-viewDetailed view of a client: the operating system with its license key, version and variant


Assign new software & licenses to a device – nothing easier than that!


Already when creating a workstation, we recognize which existing licenses can be used. The accidental multiple use of a licence is a thing of the past.



Software not only secures our core business processes but also ensures that our employees can complete their respective tasks. As an administrator we need to know which software is running on each workstation and server. i-doit always provides the information and views to get your current task completed quickly.



Effective license management


How many unused licenses are registered to your company and cause unnecessary costs? By calling the License Manager you can check which licenses your company has, which ones are already in use and where. By terminating unused licenses, you can cut costs, allocate resources where you need them, and initiate administrative processes to ensure that users can perform their tasks without delays / disruptions.


Bottom-Up or Top-Down – Decide


Checking which software is used on the device is a matter of course for us. However, we also claim to enable the opposite route. In some cases (for example, a manufacturer audit) we need a simple overview of which devices actually use the licenses.



We can also use custom reports to get information about which licenses are currently being used by an employee. This overview is also ideal as an attachment if users have to sign the takeover and completeness of a workstation. With the i-doit Documents Add-on you will be able to design, create and integrate appropriate PDF documents for the takeover of devices and many other use-cases.


user-reportOverview of Software & Licenses of a Workstation


Automatic notification of expiring licenses


A business grows with IT and vice versa. As we increase in number, it is becoming increasingly difficult for us to keep track of licenses’ terms. Through projects, incidents and user inquiries, our work is determined by operational activities and there is less time available for monitoring and analysis.




Therefore, it makes sense to initiate processes with sufficient response time and to automate audit activities by means of the already entered data. The Notifications feature allows i-doit to check on a daily basis whether a license renewal is due and automatically send out all necessary information to the appropriate person or department. In this way, we can ensure that the responsible administrator is informed and, if necessary, the purchasing department initiates the procurement or renewal.

License renewals at the last minute are a thing of the past.


Costs overview


In addition to license duration, usage and number, the focus is often on the software and licensing costs of each department.

Custom reports allow us to determine what the costs (investment costs / operating costs) are. This helps us to identify cost factors, optimize workstations, adapt software & licensing models, and achieve savings. Likewise, we can immediately retrieve the contact details of the supplier and the date of delivery. Finally, it helps us to make a decision.


costOverview of license costs: IT department


Templates for a quick workplace documentation


Thanks to defined templates, we can quickly integrate new devices and the associated “standard software” into our IT documentation. When creating the devices, the previously defined properties (CPU, memory, HDD / SSD, etc.) as well as applications, operating system & licenses are defined. These templates can be used to create any number of new devices. This feature is particularly useful when we have a larger number of new clients (for example, by delivery).


templateSave time: All new clients are already linked to the right software & licenses.


Contact persons for any case


We all know situations in which we are just looking for a suitable contact person and thus waste half the morning. By storing contact details of different contact persons and their roles, you can remedy this situation. If problems occur with devices or software, you have an overview of the contact data of the support, the supplier and the responsible administrators. As a result, all incidents are sent to the relevant department and informations can be obtained faster.


contactList of all contact persons


There are numerous other functions that help IT managers and administrators to keep track of existing software and licenses in the company, to manage resources in a targeted manner, to initiate processes and to cut costs. Discover in our online demo how i-doit can simplify your daily work and also fundamentally improve it.

If you have any further questions, the i-doit team is of course at your disposal.

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