from exel to itam

ITAM with i-doit - Excel is a thing of the past

Stop relying on inadequate Excel templates for your IT documentation. i-doit offers you advanced IT asset management software that manages your IT resources efficiently and effectively.

Test i-doit now

Effective IT asset management beyond Excel

Excel is a flexible tool for many purposes, but when it comes to managing and documenting IT assets, it quickly reaches its limits. i-doit offers specialised IT asset management software that is designed to handle the complex requirements of modern IT landscapes. With i-doit, you can not only comprehensively manage your hardware and software, but also effectively monitor relationships between assets, contracts and licences.

From Excel template to one integrated IT asset management system

  • Centralised management: Record and manage all IT assets in one place. From procurement to decommissioning, i-doit covers the entire life cycle.
  • Visual documentation: Use the i-doit Floorplan add-on to visualise your network infrastructure and IT assets in room plans.
  • Seamless migration: Easily migrate existing data from Excel to i-doit to immediately benefit from a structured and secure asset database.
  • Collaboration: Collaboration across several departments with appropriate access rights.
  • CSV import: Transfer of existing Excel tables.

i-doit for IT asset management – your benefits

i-doit for IT asset management - your benefits

Fully integrated solution

With i-doit, you can say goodbye to the limitations of Excel-based documentation and use a fully integrated system.

Comprehensive analysis

i-doit not only offers detailed documentation tools, but also powerful analysis functions to optimise the use and efficiency of your IT assets

Seamless migration

Easily migrate existing data from Excel to i-doit to immediately benefit from a structured and secure asset database.


Test i-doit for 30 days free charge!

Hardware und Software umfassend verwalten

Mit i-doit verwalten Ihre Hardware und Software umfassend und zentral gesteuert. Beziehungen zwischen Assets, Verträgen und Lizenzierungen werden effektiv überwacht.

Manage hardware and software comprehensively

Manage your hardware and software comprehensively and centrally with i-doit. Relationships between assets, contracts and licences are effectively monitored.

Request a free demo version now!

Do you have any further questions? 

If you would like to find out more about i-doit or need a customised offer, please contact us!

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