Try i-doit pro 30 days for free

3 simple steps to the i-doit trial version

1. Download the version that meets your needs.

2. Install i-doit pro. If you need help, contact our support or take a look at our knowledge base.

3. Open i-doit pro in your browser, create an account and start your free 30-day trial.


Recommended versions

Information about the system requirements can be found in our Knowledge Base.


Virtual Machine

Preconfigured VM  | Installation instructions 

The virtual machine contains a complete i-doit pro installation on a Debian GNU/Linux 10.

You don't need any knowledge of GNU/Linux


Windows Installer

Installation on Microsoft Windows | Installation instructions 

The Windows Installer provides a complete i-doit pro environment on Microsoft server systems. The installation can be done with one click

You don't need any knowledge in administrating Microsoft Windows.

Bitte beachte:

Bei allen Varianten der Testversion ist für den Login der
Benutzername "admin" und das Passwort "admin" voreingestellt.

Advanced Versions

Bitte beachte:

Bei allen Varianten der Testversion ist für den Login der
Benutzername "admin" und das Passwort "admin" voreingestellt.


Automatic Installation

Installation via bash script  |  Installation instructions

An interactive bash script guides you through all configurations on a Linux system and installs the required components.

You need basic knowledge in administrating GNU/Linux.


Manual Installation

Installation without installer |  Installation instructions

The web server, database, PHP and i-doit pro have to be installed and configured manually. Backups and cronjobs must also be set up manually.

You need good knowledge of administrating Windows bzw. GNU/Linux.

Download your i-doit evaluation version

Here you can find all variants of the i-doit pro trial version. Information about the system requirements can be found in our Knowledge Base.

Virtual Machine

Pre-configured VM
Installation instructions

The virtual machine contains a complete i-doit pro installation on a Debian GNU/Linux 10.

You don't need any knowledge of GNU/Linux

Windows Installer

Installation on Microsoft Windows
Installation instructions

The Windows Installer provides a complete i-doit pro environment on Microsoft server systems. The installation can be done with one click.

You need basic knowledge in administrating Microsoft Windows.

Automatic installation

Installation via bash script
Installation instructions

An interactive bash script guides you through all configurations on a Linux system and installs the required components.

You need basic knowledge in administrating GNU/Linux.

Manual installation

Installation by hand
Installation instructions

The web server, database, PHP and i-doit pro have to be installed and configured manually. Backups and cronjobs must also be set up manually.

You need good knowledge of administrating Windows bzw. GNU/Linux.

Bitte beachte:

Bei allen Varianten der Testversion ist für den Login der
Benutzername "admin" und das Passwort "admin" voreingestellt.

Download your 30 day trial now:

Automatic installation (Linux) Manual installation Virtual machine Windows installer
Often used
Skill Level
Basic knowledge in working with GNU/Linux
Profound knowledge in the administration of GNU/Linux
No knowledge of GNU/Linux required
Basic knowledge of Microsoft Windows
Can also be used on Microsoft Windows Server
Only covered by support during the evaluation phase
On a freshly installed GNU/Linux operating system, all necessary configuration steps are done by executing a single bash script and i-doit pro is installed. In addition, cronjobs, backups and other CLI tools are provided. 
You have to install and configure the necessary software packages manually. Then you have to download and install i-doit. The necessary steps for cronjobs and backups must also be carried out manually.
During the evaluation phase you can use a VM on which a current i-doit pro environment is already pre-installed. Debian GNU/Linux is used as the operating system.
The Windows Installer provides a complete i-doit pro environment on Microsoft operating systems. The installation is done with one click.
Login / Password
admin / admin
admin / admin
admin / admin
admin / admin
Console and installation script
ZIP file
Virtual machine
Windows executable

Please note

The default login for all variants of the trial version is username "admin" and password "admin".

Automatische Installation Manuelle Installation Virtual Appliance
Skill Level
Basis-Kenntnisse im Umgang mit GNU/Linux
Gute Kenntnisse in der Administration von GNU/Linux
Keine Kenntnisse im Umgang mit GNU/Linux
Alternativ: wenn Microsoft Windows Server verwendet wird
Appliance wird nur während der Evaluierungsphase vom Support abgedeckt
Auf einem frisch installierten GNU/Linux-Betriebssystem werden alle nötigen Konfigurationsschritte durchgeführt und i-doit installiert. Zusätzlich werden Cronjobs, Backups und weitere nützliche CLI-Werkzeuge mitgeliefert. Dazu wird lediglich ein Script ausgeführt.
Die nötigen Software-Pakete werden selbstständig installiert und konfiguriert. Danach wird i-doit heruntergeladen und installiert. Die nötigen Schritte für Cronjobs und Backups obliegen ebenfalls dem Benutzer.
Benutzern von i-doit pro steht in der Evaluierungsphase eine VM zur Verfügung, auf der ein aktuelles i-doit bereits vorinstalliert ist. Als Betriebssystem kommt Debian GNU/Linux zum Einsatz.
Konsole und Installationsskript
Virtuelle Maschine

3 simple steps to get your i-doit trial

  1. Download the version that best fits your needs. Most of our customers use manual installation.

  2. Install i-doit pro. If you need help, please contact our support team or check our Knowledge Base.

  3. Launch i-doit pro and create an account. Now you can start your free 30 day trial.


Die i-doit pro 30 Tage Testversion

i-doit pro evaluation FAQ

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